Friday, January 22, 2010

Music Hoster Suggestions For A Website Hoster Please...?

Suggestions for a website hoster please...? - music hoster

I have a small personal website. It contains some photos, some music files, etc. In addition, some animations and text. That's my problem. I want to be free. I tried Yahoo and Geocities exceeded the use and transfer of data. I made 2 pages, with approximately 9 pictures. Any suggestion is welcome. Should I use several different servers and link pages together? It makes me angry, I can not do a small website, without exceeding the limit set the final.


  1. GeoCities to host your site (text only, it is small) and then (not white) or MySpace or used elsewhere on the great content such as photos and music files.
    There are many places that big things for all.
    ! use

  2. This option is free: ...
    Click here and you can make a free website with a WYSIWYG editor.
    You can also use a commercial version here, which is really cheap:
    This place is the specifications of your choice. I have a variety of 2.95 for the transfer of 30 GB! and 1 GB of disk space!

  3. You use a service such as free images
    Photos appear in your site, but the bandwidth tinypic. and should not be used for the free server.

    If you want a price that here in the hosts 2.99 per month. ...
